Join a Club.
Democratic Clubs are the soul of our party, and the grassroots of Democratic activism in Orange County. Please contact clubs directly for membership and meeting information. Note: Meeting dates subject to change. Please contact clubs directly for details.

Aliso Niguel Democratic Club
- Meetings: Every 3rd Monday of the Month, 7:00 pm
- Location: Meetings will be by Zoom until further notice
- Website / Facebook / Twitter
- Email: AlisoNiguelDemocrats@gmail.com
Canyon Democrats
- Meetings: Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 6:30 p.m.
- Location: Norman P. Murray Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA 92692.
- Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
- Email: chair@canyondems.org
Central Orange County Democratic Club
- Meetings: Every 4th Wednesday of the month. Schmooze with friends 6:30 p.m. General Meeting 7:00 p.m. sharp.
- Location: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1221 Wass Street, Tustin CA 92780
- Website
- Email: CentralOCDems@gmail.com
College Democrats of CSU Fullerton
- Meeting dates vary. Visit our Facebook or contact us for latest information.
- Facebook / Website / (406) 600-0223
- A Chapter of College Democrats of America
- Email: csufdemocrats@gmail.com
College Democrats at UC Irvine
- Meetings: During the school year, every Wednesday at 6 pm in the Newport Beach B Room on the 4th floor of the UCI Student Center, UC Irvine (currently being held over Zoom); no meetings over summer months. Meetings to resume October 2021.
- A Chapter of College Democrats of America
- Email: collegedems.uci@gmail.com
Costa Mesa Democratic Club
- Meetings: Last Wednesday of the Month, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
- Website / Facebook / Twitter
- Email: cmdemclub@gmail.com
Democrats of Greater Irvine
- Meetings: Every 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
- Location: IRWD Community Room, 15500 Sand Canyon Ave, Irvine
- Facebook / Website / Twitter
- Email: demsofirvine@gmail.com
Democratic Club of Seal Beach
- Meetings: Every 1st Monday of the Month, 7:00 pm
- Location: Zoom or Montecito Center, 12341 Montecito Road, Rossmoor, CA 90720
- Website/Twitter
- Email: DemocraticClubofSealBeach@gmail.com
Democratic Club of West Orange County
- Meetings: Every 1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30 – 830 pm / Dark every January & July
Fundraising events elsewhere every June & December
- Location: Assistance League of Huntington Beach 8071 Slater Avenue Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647
- Phone: (949) 205-8300
- Website / Facebook
- Email: dcwoc@demclubofwestoc.com
Democrats for Israel OC
- Meetings: Quarterly on Zoom
- Email: dfiorangecounty@gmail.com
Democrats of North Orange County
- Meetings: Every 1st Thursday of the Month; dinner (optional) from 6 – 7 pm, meeting from 7 – 8:30 pm
- Location: Sizzler Restaurant, 1401 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA
- Phone: (714) 318-1837
- Facebook / Website
- Email: info@dnoc.org
Democratic Women of South Orange County
- Meetings: Usually the first Monday of the month, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., but please check website or Facebook for exact dates.
- Location: 32120 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA
- Website / Facebook / Instagram
- Email: info@dwsoc.org
Irvine Democratic Club, IDC
- Meetings: Generally second Sunday of the month.
- Website
- Email: IrvineDemClub@gmail.com
Latinx Young Democrats of Orange County
- Meeting dates and locations vary. Email for latest information.
- Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
- A Chapter of California Young Democrats
- Email: latinxydoc@gmail.com
Laguna Beach Democratic Club
- Meetings: One virtual and one in-person meeting held each quarter, date varies.
- Location: Check our website as our location changes periodically.
- Phone: (949) 325-4727
- Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest
- Email: lagunabeachdemocraticclub@gmail.com
Laguna Woods Democratic Club
- Meetings: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
- Location: 24112 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Woods
- Website / Facebook
- Email: lwdemoclub@yahoo.com
Lavender Democrats of Orange County
- Website / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram
- Email: lavenderdemsoc@gmail.com
Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club
- Meetings: Every 4th Thursday; social starts at 5:30 pm, meeting begins at 6:00 pm
- Location: Via Zoom
- Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter
Orange County High School Democrats
- Meeting dates vary. Visit Facebook page for latest information.
- A Chapter of High School Democrats of America
Orange County Young Democrats
- Meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday of the Month, 7:00 pm
- Location: Chapter One, 227 N Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92701
- Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
- A Chapter of California Young Democrats
- Email: ocyoungdemocrats@gmail.com
Saddleback College Young Democrats
- Meeting dates vary. Email for latest information.
- A Chapter of College Democrats of America
- Email: saddlebackyoungdemocrats@gmail.com
Seal Beach Leisure World Democratic Club
- Meetings: Every 4th Wednesday of the Month, 1:00 pm
- Location: Clubhouse 3, Room 9, Seal Beach Leisure World. Reservations required for persons living outside Leisure World.
- Website
- Email: lwsbdemocraticclub@gmail.com
Supporters of Public Education— Orange County, SOPE-OC
- We support school board members and candidates who prioritize students
- Meetings: first Sunday of each month
- Location: meetings are on Zoom
- Website
- Email: sopeoc@gmail.com