
Resolutions are formal statements of values adopted by the Party. See below to view past resolutions and submit new ones.

To submit a recommendation for consideration by the Resolutions Committee, please click here.

Resolutions below are sorted by date. Click on the title to download the full text.


Denouncing Lack of Transparency in Huntington Beach Library Children’s Books Review – February


Denouncing Orange Unified School District Targeting Transgender Students – August


Quality Education: “Essential Safeguard of Democracy”– March



Supporting Hotel Worker Protections in Irvine – September 2022

Killing of Al Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh – August 2022

Opposing the Proposal to Eliminate the Directly Elected Mayor in Irvine – June 2022

Condemnation of Supreme Court Ruling Overturning Abortion Rights  – June 2022

Standing Against the Corrupt Angels Stadium Deal – May 2022

Support of Abortion Rights and Condemnation of Supreme Court Draft Opinion Overturning Roe V. Wade – May 2022

Denouncing Anti-Black Racism and Standing in Solidarity with the Black Community – February 2022

Condemnation of Russia’s Unprovoked Invasion on Ukraine – February 2022

Call for OC Sheriff’s Department to Stop Feeding Incarcerated People Rotting Food – January 2022

Supporting the Goal of Achieving Digital Equity with Municipal Broadband – January 2022



Recognition of Ecocide as a Crime – November 2021

Mandated Proof of Vaccination for Law Enforcement – October 2021

Resolution in Support of Afghan Refugees – October 2021

Resolution Opposing Anti-LGBT Bias and Transphobia and Demanding Allyship in All Spaces – August 2021

Call for Greater Action to Protect Children from COVID-19’s Delta Variant – August 2021

Resolution Denouncing Misogyny and Demanding Equity for Women – July 2021

Resolution in Support of the Adoption of District Elections in Orange  County – June 2021

Encourage Elected Democrats to Communicate Openly and Enable Their Democratic Colleagues to Agendize and Debate Items – June 2021

State Audit of Metropolitan Water District Sexual Harassment and Abuse  – May 2021

In Support of Reforming U.S. Tax Code to Reduce the Racial Wealth and Income Inequality Gap – May 2021

Open Meetings to Remote Participation – April 2021

Resolution in Support of Kenneth R. Ross Police Decertification Act of 2021 – April 2021

Resolution in Support of Le Merigot Hotel Workers – March 2021

Resolution in Limiting Single-Use Plastics in Orange County – March 2021

Resolution in Support of the Chateau Marmont Workers – March 2021

Resolution to Reduce Military Spending – March 2021

Resolution by the 72nd ADA to Condemn Anti-Asian Racism and Commit to Action – March 2021

Resolution Denouncing Anti-Asian and Pacific Islander Discrimination and Attacks – March 2021

Resolution to Lift Sanctions Blocking COVID Relief for Vulnerable Populations – March 2021

Resolution to Designate “Little Arabia” Area in Anaheim – March 2021

Resolution to Support the Shore Hotel Boycott – March 2021

Resolution to Stop the Republican Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom – March 2021

Resolution to Support Zero-Emission Vehicles by 2030 – March 2021

Resolution Calling on Governor to Apply for all Applicable Waivers Allowing California to Implement a Single-Payer Healthcare System within the First 100 Days of the Biden Administration – January 2021

Resolution in Support of Orange County Municipalities Utilizing Funding Provided by Project Roomkey to House and Protect Homeless Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic – January 2021


Call for Completion of the Buena Park Recall Voter Fraud Investigation – June 2020

Resolution to Remove John Wayne from Orange County Airport – June 2020

Resolution in Support of Black Lives Matter and Systemic Racial Justice Reform – June 2020

Resolution Denouncing Coronavirus Discrimination and Attacks Against Asians and Asian Americans – April 2020

Resolution Opposing Anaheim Multi-Million Dollar Anaheim Resort Giveaway – April 2020

Resolution Denouncing Coronavirus Discrimination And Attacks – April 2020

Resolution Calling On Orange County Board of Supervisors To Close Beaches And Enforce Social Distancing During Deadly Coronavirus Pandemic – April



Resolution For Inclusive COVID-19 Response – April 2020

Resolution Calling For Intermediate Moratorium On Evictions And Foreclosures – April 2020



Resolution Supporting International Women’s Day – February 25, 2019

Resolution Condemning Antisemitic Acts in Orange County – February 25, 2019

Resolution in Support of Temporary Moratorium on No Fault Evictions in OC – March 2019

Resolution in Support of the Green New Deal – April 2019

Resolution Supporting Unity & Inclusiveness Against Hate Speech –  April 2019

Resolution in Call for an Emergency Moratorium on Mobile Home Rental Space Increases – April 2019

Resolution Calling for a Climate Debate – August 2019

Resolution in Support of Reforming U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Humane Immigration – August 2019

Resolution Calling on South Orange County Cities to Stop Criminalizing Homelessness and Settle Housing is a Human Right Orange County v. County of Orange – August  2019



Resolution in Support of the Fair Pricing For Dialysis Act

Resolution Opposing the City of Brea Public Assembly Ordinance #1201

Resolution in Support of the California Lawsuit Demanding the Environmental Protection Agency Immediately Release Ozone Level Designations

Resolution Opposing Offshore Drilling and Repeal of Environmental Regulations and Safeguards

Resolution Opposing Proposed Santa Ana River Bed Homeless Evictions

Resolution in Support of Protection of Net Neutrality

Resolution Calling for Reinstatement of the Santa Ana Needle Exchange Program

Resolution Calling for the Renaming of William E. Fanning Elementary School

Resolution in Support of More Housing in Orange County

Resolution Opposing Arming Teachers

Resolution in Support of the November 2018 Ballot Measure “Veterans And Affordable Housing Bond Act (SB 3)”

Resolution in Opposition to Dismantling Safeguards that Protect Marine Mammals

Resolution Supporting the Continued Implementation of ‘Beach Act Grants’ that Monitor Ocean Pollution Levels to Determine if Water Poses a Hazard to Beach Visitors

Resolution Calling for the Immediate Release and Asylum for Udoka Nweke

Resolution Opposing the Inhumane Trump Administration Immigration Policy That Separates Migrant Families Seeking Asylum

Resolution Supporting the Full Implementation of the CA Healthy Youth Act in Schools

Resolution to Stop the CMS Rule, Support Home Care Workers Freedom to Pay Dues by Payroll Deduction

Resolution Opposing AB 84 Political Reform Act of 1974; Political Party Committee Disclosures

Resolution on Democratic Principles in Administering Justice in Orange County



Resolution Calling Upon Orange County Elected Officials to Prohibit Diversion of State and Local Law Enforcement Resources for the Enforcement of Federal Immigration Laws

Resolution in Opposition to Trump Immigration Ban 

Resolution to Call For Justice re Anaheim February 22  LAPD Officer Shooting During Dispute With 13 Year Old Youth

Resolution Opposing Republican Attempts to Weaken Special Education

Resolution Opposing Republican Plan To Take Away Health Care Coverage & Protections From 394,466 OC Residents Receiving Obamacare 

Resolution Calling on Anaheim and Local Orange Count Cities and County Government to Fly the LGBTQ Pride Flag from Harvey Milk Day through Pride Month

Resolution Condemning Threatened Recall of Irvine City Council member Melissa Fox

Resolution in Support for Retaining the “Johnson Amendment” That Protects Houses of Worship From Becoming Centers of Partisan Politics

 Resolution Opposing the Recall Attempt of Senator Josh Newman

 Resolution Condemning the OC Board of Supervisors’ Rejection of a Modernized Voting System

Resolution in Support of Maintaining Clean Air Act Standards

Resolution Condemning The Trump Administration’s Repeal Of The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Resolution Opposing The Creation Of The Presidential Commission On Election Integrity

Resolution in Support Of Maintaining The Current Size and Scope Of The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument And All California National Monuments

Resolution in Opposition To The Deregulation of Credit Reporting Agencies, The Weakening of the Fair Credit Act, And Any Effort To Weaken Or Disband The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Resolution Demanding Congress Immediately Reinstate The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Resolution Demanding Immediate Adoption of Common Sense Gun Safety Laws

Resolution of the Democratic Party of Orange County Unequivocally Condemning All Forms of Sexual Harassment and Assault

Resolution supporting a Veterans Cemetery in Orange County



Safe Storage for San Onofre Nuclear Waste

Make California work better for working women by advancing workplace equality and modernizing worker’s compensation laws

Resolution Calling for the Elimination of Personal and Religious Belief Exemptions from California’s Vaccination Requirements for Attendance at School



Resolution Addressing Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Resolution Supporting Bikeways Master Plan

Resolution Calling For Immediate Emergency Asylum for LGBT’s in Africa

Resolution Calling for LGBTQ Executive Expansion of DACA

Resolution Condemning Remarks of Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring

Resolution Honoring Chris Frederickson



Resolution Calling for No Vote on Fast Track for Trans Pacific Partnership

Resolution Calling for Deferred Action On Undocumented Immigrants

Resolution On Syria

Resolution Condemning Russia’s Targeting of LGBT People

Resolution Honoring Tefere Gebre

Resolution Empowering CA Insurance Commissioner to Regulate Insurance Rates

Resolution Calling For the Reform of the FISA Court

Resolution Condemning Emergency Evacuation Problem

Resolution Urging Boy Scouts To End Discrimination

Resolution Proclaiming June as LGBT Pride Month

Resolution Proclaiming May 22 as Harvey Milk Day

Resolution Supporting Protecting LGBT Civil Rights in Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Resolution Supporting District Elections in Anaheim

Resolution Supporting President Obama’s Gun Control Legislation

Resolution Supporting Comprehensive Immigration Reform

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© 2024 Democratic Party of Orange County

1475 South State College Blvd. Suite 110, Anaheim, CA 92806

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