
Meet your local Democratic Party’s governing boards.


The Executive Committee makes recommendations for the business of the Central Committee, as well as deal with time-sensitive issues.

Democratic Party of Orange County Officers

  • Chair Ada Briceño

  • Central Vice Chair Gloria Alvarado

  • Northern Vice Chair Jose Trinidad Castañeda

  • Western Vice Chair Libby Frolichman

  • Southern Vice Chair Lauren Johnson-Norris

  • Secretary Luis Aleman

  • Treasurer Florice Hoffman 

  • CDP Region 17 Director Franbert Calderon

    • Assembly Districts 52, 54, 62, 64

  • CDP Region 19 Director Luis Aleman

    • Assembly Districts 59, 67, 68, 73

  • CDP Region 20 Director Corey Allen

    • Assembly Districts 65, 69, 70, 72

  • CDP Region 21 Director Deborah Cunningham-Skurnik

    • Assembly Districts 71, 74, 75, 76 

Assembly District Representatives to the Central Committee

AD 59: Member: Devon Gray

Alternate: Gail Cain

AD 64: Member: Mohammed Raza

Alternate: Michelle Bernier

AD 67: Member: Jesus Silva

Alternate: Marisol Ramirez

AD 68: Member: LuisAndres Perez

Alternate: Giovanni Chavez

AD 70: Member: Diedre Thu-Ha Nguyen

Alternate: Nadia Al-Obaidi

AD 71: Member: Gary Kephart


AD 73: Member: Ken Wyant

Alternate: Dinah Frieden


The Central Committee is the full governing body of the Democratic Party of Orange County. Members are elected every 4 years by Assembly District, as well as appointed if they are the Democratic nominee for state/federal partisan office or state/national Party leaders. Full Central Committee No Contact Roster