Democratic Party of Orange County Endorses SB 54; Urges Passage by State Legislature
For Immediate Release
April 3, 2017
Bill seeks to Prohibit Immigration Enforcement of Public Schools, Hospitals, Libraries and Courthouses
ORANGE, CA– The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) today announced the Party’s full endorsement of Senate Bill 54, dubbed “The California Values Act,” which would call for the creation of “safe zones” throughout the state that would prohibit federal immigration enforcement at locations such as public school sites, public libraries, hospitals and courthouse grounds.
The DPOC unanimously approved this endorsement at the March meeting of the party’s Central Committee.
“It’s important for Democrats across Orange County and throughout California to stand up for our immigrant community in the wake of aggressive actions by federal immigration officials under orders from the Trump administration,” said Fran Sdao, DPOC Chair. “Families are keeping children home from school. They don’t report crimes. They don’t seek proper medical attention. All of this because of fear of deportations and families being torn apart. We urge swift passage of this bill in the State Senate.”
If passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Jerry Brown, the California Values Act prevents state, local, and school police to use resources to investigate, detain, or arrest individuals for immigration violations. State and local police will continue to comply only with judicial warrants to transfer dangerous offenders into federal custody for immigration enforcement purposes. The Bill was introduced by Senator Kevin DeLeon in December 2016.
The Legislative Counsel’s Digest of the Bill
As of March 29, the language of SB 54 is as follows:
Existing law provides that when there is reason to believe that a person arrested for a violation of specified controlled substance provisions may not be a citizen of the United States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States having charge of deportation matters.
This bill would repeal those provisions.
Existing law provides that whenever an individual who is a victim of or witness to a hate crime, or who otherwise can give evidence in a hate crime investigation, is not charged with or convicted of committing any crime under state law, a peace officer may not detain the individual exclusively for any actual or suspected immigration violation or report or turn the individual over to federal immigration authorities.
This bill would, among other things and subject to exceptions, prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies, including school police and security departments, from using resources to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes, as specified. The bill would require, within 3 months after the effective date of the bill, the Attorney General, in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders, to publish model policies limiting assistance with immigration enforcement to the fullest extent possible for use by those entities for those purposes. The bill would require all public schools, public libraries, health facilities operated by the state or a political subdivision of the state, and courthouses to implement the model policy, or an equivalent policy. The bill would state that all other organizations and entities that provide services related to physical or mental health and wellness, education, or access to justice, including the University of California, are encouraged to adopt the model policy. The bill would require a law enforcement agency that chooses to participate in a joint law enforcement task force, as defined, to submit a report every 6 months to the Department of Justice, as specified. The bill would require the Attorney General, within 14 months after the effective date of the bill, and twice a year thereafter, to report on the types and frequency of joint law enforcement task forces, and other information, as specified, and to post those reports on the Attorney General’s Internet Web site. The bill would require the Board of Parole Hearings or the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, as applicable, to notify United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the scheduled release on parole or post-release community supervision, or re-release following a period of confinement pursuant to a parole revocation without a new commitment, of all persons confined to state prison serving a current term for the conviction of a violent or serious felony, or who has a prior conviction for a violent or serious felony.
This bill would state findings and declarations of the Legislature relating to these provisions.
By imposing additional duties on public schools, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state.
Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.
This bill would take effect immediately as an urgency statute and the vote on this measure has been changed from a 2/3’s majority to a simple majority.
About The Democratic Party of Orange County
The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) is the official organization for Democrats in the sixth-largest county in the nation. The DPOC is the third largest Democratic county in California (behind Los Angeles and San Diego) with more than 520,000 registered Democrats.
The Democratic Party of Orange County believes that we’re greater together than we are on our own — that America succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules. Our Party is focused on building an economy that lasts — an economy that lifts up all Americans. That’s why Democratic leaders in Washington and here in California are working to advance issues like job creation, education, health care, and clean energy.
To get more involved or donate to the Democratic Party of Orange County to help stop President Trump’s actions, visit our website at
Democratic Party of Orange County
1916 W. Chapman Ave
Suite B
Orange CA 92868 United States