The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under direction of Scott Pruitt and the Trump Administration, claims local cities can self-monitor coastal waters, but has no records or analysis supporting the claim.
May 23, 2018 – To protect Orange County’s coastline and public health, this week the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) formally adopted a resolution that urges the EPA to continue to monitor ocean pollution levels.
The EPA’s decision to cancel pollution monitoring endangers 100 million beachgoers each year by potentially eliminating pollution safety actions like water quality testing, posting warning signs, or closing beaches when bacteria levels indicate contaminated water.
The DPOC joins more than 100 environmental groups to urge the EPA to restore pollution monitoring, along with California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, Reps. Alan Lowenthal and Ted Lieu, and 26 other U.S. Senators.
About The Democratic Party of Orange County
The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) is the official organization for Democrats in California’s third-largest county. DPOC represents more than half a million registered Democrats, and is engaging voters to close the gap on the narrowest voter margin in Orange County’s modern history. To volunteer or donate to elect strong Democrats that will stop President Trump’s agenda, visit DPOC at or call (714) 634-DEMS.
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Contact: Rachel Potucek, Communications Director, Democratic Party of Orange County, (562) 276-8514,