Democrats continue on path to turning OC blue!
For Immediate Release
The Orange County Republican Party’s registration advantage over Democrats continues to narrow, dropping 3 percentage points since the June Primary (down to just 4% today)! The gap between the two parties could be as close as 3% by Election Day.
The GOP’s nominee, Donald Trump, continues to alienate even those within his own party with his hate-filled messaging and the growing number of allegations regarding sexual assault. As a result, Republican turnout is expected to be at an all-time low with Republican voters having no incentive to support their party’s Presidential candidate. This was evident in the 2016 Primary where Democrats outvoted Republicans by more than 20% for the first time in history.
Even strident Trump supporters like Representative Darrell Issa are trying to back-pedal their support of Trump. Realizing his own seat is now in jeopardy, Issa is making a last-ditch effort to align himself with President Obama, pushing the narrative that he’s a moderate when nothing could be further from the truth. It’s officials like Issa who have propelled a Trump candidacy with their support for the birther movement and partisan oversight hearings designed to discredit the president.
Henry Vandermeir, Chair of the Democratic Party of Orange County stated, “Republican leaders here in Orange County have been on the Tea-Party fringe for years and instrumental in creating a candidate like Trump. After three debates, Trump has proven himself to be unfit for President with little or no knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs, his willingness to cozy up with communist Russia and China (something Republicans have long accused Democrats of doing), and his continued unabashed attacks on virtually every American constituency who doesn’t agree with him. Add in his dangerous conspiracy theories regarding the American voting system and you have a clear case of crazy! No wonder Republicans are running away from their party.”
1916 W. Chapman Ave
Suite B
Orange CA 92868 United States