January 15, 2019, Orange, Calif. — The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) issued a key endorsement today of former Congressmember Loretta Sanchez for Orange County Board of Supervisors District 3 special election on March 14th.
Chair Ada Briceño released the following statement:
“Orange County Democrats are proud to support Loretta Sanchez for the Orange County Board of Supervisors 3rd District special election. Our county government is one of the largest in the nation and its districts are nearly as large as Congressional districts, making former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez the clear choice in this election.
Loretta Sanchez is a well-respected community leader with valuable experience. She is ready to lead on our county’s most critical issues such as our homelessness crisis, affordable housing and land use, fair wages for county workers, fire emergency response and preparedness, government transparency, and ethics.”
Briceño convened the special endorsement meeting of the Central Committee as her first act as Chair and urged an early endorsement to allow for as much party support as possible within the short campaign deadline. The Central Committee voted unanimously for the endorsement.
Sanchez is the sole Democrat openly declared for the special election seat and could face multiple Republican challengers. The election is expected to be a competitive race with a narrow 3.8-point GOP voter margin advantage and a massive district population of more than 600,000 residents.
About The Democratic Party of Orange County
The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) is the official organization for Democrats California’s third-largest (and America’s sixth-largest) county of 3.2 million residents. DPOC is quickly closing a narrow 1-point voter margin gap to become the dominant political organization in this metropolitan coastal region once famously known as a conservative stronghold. To volunteer or donate to elect Democrats in Orange County, visit DPOC at www.ocdemocrats.org or call (714) 634-DEMS.
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Media contact: Rachel Potucek, rachel@ocdemocrats.org