The Democratic Party of Orange County regularly passes positions on legislation coming before state and federal bodies, to express the values of Democrats across Orange County on these urgent issues.
Since the beginning of its term in January of 2021, the Democratic Party of Orange County’s newly elected Central Committee has taken action on the following legislative items:
March 2021:
- SB 286 Elections: county officers: consolidation with statewide elections (Support)
April 2021:
- AB 1400 – Guaranteed Healthcare for All (Support)
- AB 20 – The Corporate-Free Elections Act (Support)
- AB 1199 – Homes for Families and Corporate Monopoly Transparency Excise Tax (Support)
- AB 615 – Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (Support)
May 2021:
- AB 937 – VISION Act (Support)
- SB 612 – Electrical corporations and other load-serving entities: allocation of legacy resources (Support)
- AB 650 – Employer-provided benefits: health care workers: COVID-19: hazard pay retention bonuses (Support)
- HR 2590 – To promote and protect the human rights of Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation (Support)
- AB 1139 – Net energy metering (Neutral)