Orange, Calif. — Upon news today of U.S. Congressman Alan Lowenthal’s announcement he will not seek re-election at the conclusion of his current term representing California’s 47th Congressional District, Democratic Party of Orange County Chairwoman Ada Briceño released the following statement:
“Orange County Democrats are incredibly grateful for Congressman Alan Lowenthal’s remarkable three decades of public service. A true progressive champion from the start of his public service career, Congressman Lowenthal will leave a lasting impact for environmental justice, public schools, LGBTQ+ justice, immigration reform, workers’ rights and America’s global leadership, among many other issues.
Orange County’s historic Democratic growth is possible because of courageous leadership built over many years by forerunning visionaries. We are proud of Congressman Lowenthal’s career, and we thank him and his team and wish them well in this transition. Through the remainder of his term, we plan on continuing to work with him as an advocate for our Democratic values in Washington.”