At its Central Committee meeting on Monday, August 24, the Democratic Party of Orange County passed critical resolutions affirming clear support for our economy’s workers, and our free and fair elections.
OC Democrats passed a resolution calling on Laguna Cliffs Marriott Hotel to improve workplace safety for its workers during the pandemic. Statistics repeatedly find that people of color, and in particular Latino communities within Orange County, bear the heaviest brunt of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Hotel workers and other essential workers face mortal risk, and Democrats are calling on businesses to do their part in protecting our recovery.
Of attacks on the US Postal Service, the Democratic Party passed a strong resolution that states in part:
“THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the current Postmaster General is now implementing Policies that accelerate the crisis at the Postal Service, including directing Post Offices to no longer treat all election mail as First Class. If implemented now, as the election approaches, this policy will cause further delays to election mail that will disenfranchise voters and put significant financial pressure on election jurisdictions and in May of 2020 the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act which contained an additional $25 Billion in emergency appropriations for USPS, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Orange County Democratic Party calls upon Congress to demand that the US Treasury Department to not impose their own hidden and potentially arbitrary requirements to release Congressionally-approved funds violating the intent of the CARES Act and subverts Congressional authority, and to further demand that current Postmaster General Louis DeJoy cease his destructive measures bringing further harm to the USPS by deactivating mail sorting machines, removing Postal Boxes in major cities in battleground states, restricting overtime for postal workers and increasing postage costs for mail-in ballots.”
View these resolutions, and others, on our Resolutions page here.